One of the most common questions is how many ounces or oz are in a cup of specific cooking ingredients.

Below is a quick rundown of measuring cups and their volume in ounces.
First, a few things.
Types Of Measuring Cups
There are two types of measuring cups: dry and liquid.
Dry measuring cups are for measuring dry ingredients such as flour
Liquid measuring cups measure ingredients such as water, milk, and other fluids.
Liquid measuring cups are usually glass or clear plastic with measuring lines to which you pour the liquid. Dry measuring cups hold the exact measurement of ingredients that you fill to the top of the cup.
In one cup, there are eight fluid ounces or sixteen tablespoons.
There are 4.5 ounces in a cup of flour though this will change with other lighter or heavier ingredients.
Use this handy measurement tool to find exactly how many ounces there are in one cup of a specific ingredient.
An American measuring cup holds 240 ml or 8.1 fluid ounces, and a British measuring cup holds 250 ml or 8.5 fluid ounces.

The following FAQ answers are in US cup measurements.
There are 8.1 fluid ounces in one cup of coffee.
There are 3.4 ounces in a cup of almond flour.
There are 2.5 ounces in a cup of broccoli.
There are 4 ounces in a cup of coarsely grated cheese, 3 ounces in medium grated cheese, and 2 ounces in finely grated cheese.
There are 8 ounces in a cup of butter.
There are 5.3 ounces in one cup of ground beef.
There are 8.5 ounces in a cup of heavy cream.
There are 8.6 ounces in a cup of milk.
There are 8.1 ounces in a cup of mayonnaise.